• Story:  An interview with Naomi Mann, lead singer of Sheffield girlband ‘The Seamonsters’.

Humans of Sheffield – Naomi Mann

Pictures used belong to Exposed Magazine.

  • Process: 
  1.  I came up with the idea of interviewing her.
  2. I went about contacting her via Instagram.
  3. We arranged a date to meet.
  4. I created a mind-map of possible questions.
  5. I wrote up my questions and prepared for the interview.
  6. She messaged me on the day saying she wasn’t going to make it.
  7. We arranged to conduct the interview via email.
  8. She sent me her answers.
  • Research (primary and secondary)

I read some articles and reviews of The Seamonsters music and used this to brainstorm my ideas.

Sheffield Telegraph


Music Glue

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I then contacted Naomi via Instagram, where we arranged how we would conduct the interview. In the end, it was conducted via email due to busy schedules.

  • Problems and solutions

My first interviewee was the owner of Sheffield vintage store Vulgar, however, they cancelled on me on the morning of my interview so I had to come up with another interviewee with only five days before my deadline.

  • Multi-media ideas

I would have liked to have gotten an environmental portrait of The Seamonsters at rehearsal, or have created a podcast episode with the whole band.

Tutor feedback

Ash, this is superb. Fluent, informative and accurate (perfect, in fact 🙂 ) I’m very impressed. You have interpreted your interview with clarity and written a profile that could easily be published professionally.

A few things to consider:

  • I would have liked some background (early life/education/family) details about Naomi;
  • Stick to one sentence paragraphs (I know this not always the case for online articles but please aim to stick to it for now);
  • Avoid leading into quotes with ‘I asked her” (she said is enough). It’s obvious you have asked her a question as you have a reply.
  • Add evidence of research
  • Story:

#sheffieldissuper A news story about the opening of a new shop

  •  Process:

I started by brainstorming ideas of what was going on in Sheffield, and how I could turn that into a news story. I remembered that what used to be a card shop on Sharrowvale Road had been turned into a shop exclusively for Sheffield makers and creatives. I then went online and found their website, found their email address, and sent them an email explaining who I was and what I wanted to do. They responded, and we set up a date for the interview during half term. 

The Interview

  • Research:

I drafted a few questions, using the information on the website, and went to my interview. I recorded it on my phone so I could write it up later. 

  • Problems and Solutions:

As the shop was brand new, there was very little information online for me to prepare for my interview, so I had to be cleaver and make sure I had all the key information: names, ages, opening dates/hours, etc.

  • Multi-media ideas: 

I think creating a promotional video including some of the individual makers that are sold in the shop, as well as the two owners, talking about why Sheffield is the best place for a shop/business like this, would be extremely  effective. 

Ash, great story, well written and accurate. 
Just remember though that I am assessing you on WRITTEN copy and research so write direct quotes in the traditional way e,g Tracy Mitchell said: “….” You are presenting copy in a magazine design and your quotes are ‘pull quotes’. Great for magazine/web presentation but not for this unit.

  • Story:

A news story on sexual health.

  • Research (primary and secondary):

sexual health stats: here

Freedom of Information

Secondary Research

Sheffield hospital workers ‘attacked almost every day’, shock figures reveal.

Child rape, theft and assault among allegations at South Yorkshire schools.

South Yorkshire Police given list of key Sheffield and Rotherham abuse suspects in 2003.

The Government Has Reversed Its Policy on Silicon Valley Diversity Data.

Anti-encryption laws: If laws pass, we will all be much less secure.

There was an increase of over 1000% in transphobic hate crimes in South Yorkshire.

According to South Yorkshire Police, between September 2013 and August 2018 the total amount of recorded hate crimes was 165.

It is thought that the rise in hate crimes could be due to the influence of extreme right-wing politicians  such as Nigel Farage and Donald Trump, and their open discrimination towards minorities.

Oscar King, a trans representative from Stonewall, said that: “We’ve seen a worrying rise in abuse of young trans people. However, we have also seen a rise in the number of trans people coming out and getting the right support.”